Primary & Excess Flood Quoting
All carriers are A.M. Best rated A or higher. Not all business will qualify. The Underwriting and Coverage options below are a general summary. Coverage may vary depending on the state and risk. Please contact your Account Executive for details specific to your risk.
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Flood - Online Rating
To register for the online rater, please click on your Account Executive and follow the link:
Ananka Willocks
Paula Sanchez
Richelle Ingram
Robyn Staton
Courtney Rigg
Product Advantages
- Available in all 50 states
- Replacement Cost coverage for building & contents
- Ability to schedule multiple locations into one policy
- Competitive with NFIP pricing
- Waiting Periods:
- No waiting period for mortgage loan closings
- 7 days waiting period in respect of Coastal risks (Tier 1 &2)
- 14 day waiting period for inland risk
Available Limits:
- Building & Contents combined up to $5,000,000 for Primary
- Business Income/Rental Value – up to $500,000 per occurrence (14 day waiting period applies)
- Excess – $45,000,000 over all interests per risk (additional limits available upon request)
Eligibile Risks
- Primary & Secondary Residential
- Condos, Apartments, & Multi-Family
- Commercial Properties
Ineligible Risks
- Properties located in a community currently in an Emergency Program
- Mobile Homes
- Medical Equipment
- Perishable Goods, including food and drinks
- Business Income and/or Rental Value only coverage
Submission Requirements
- NFIP/Acord application or renewing NFIP declaration page
- Elevation Certificate needed for Post Firm A or V zones to bind coverage
- Excel SOV for multiple locations
- Confirmation of no prior flood losses
Excess Flood - Online Rating
To register for the online rater, please click on your Account Executive and follow the link:
Ananka Willocks
Paula Sanchez
Richelle Ingram
Robyn Staton
Courtney Rigg
Available in all 50 states
Eligible Properties
- Residential Dwelling (1-4 Family)
- Apartments, Multi-Family
- Condominiums
- Commercial properties
Submit for Rating
- Properties with Negative Elevations
- Contents and/or Loss of Income Only risks
- Properties located in V zones
- Building with TIV in excess of $50 Million all coverages combined
- Construction risks over 15 months
- Risks where contents and/or business income values exceeds 50% of the TIV
- Risks with any prior flood losses
Limits Available Per Occurrence
- $15,000,000 all coverages combined (higher limits available on a submit for rating basis)
Coverages Available
- Real Property
- Contents – household or business contents
- Loss of Income – net business income or loss of rent
Minimum Earned Premiums: (Greater Of)
- Residential Dwellings (Primary and Secondary): $500 or 50% of Gross Written Premium
- Apartments, Condos, Commercial Properties: $1,000 or 50% of Gross Written Premium
- Properties built on stilts over water
- Mobile, Manufactured and prefabricated buildings
- Soft costs in respect of construction risks
- Medical Equipment
- Food stuffs and perishable goods
- Contents not covered under an NFIP Policy located in basements
- Coastal Barrier Resource Act (CBRA Zones) or Non-NFIP Participating communities