Umbrella Products
All carriers are A.M. Best rated A or higher. Not all business will qualify and may not be available in all states. The Underwriting and Coverage options below are a general summary. Coverage may very depending on the state and risk. Please contact your Account Executive for details specific to your risk.

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Get a Personal Umbrella Quote instantly with an A++ Carrier!
At we offer one stop shopping for Preferred, Standard, High Risk and Celebrity Personal Umbrellas.
- Product insured by United States Liability, A++ Berkshire Hathaway Company
- Broad Coverage including Limits up to $5,000,000
- Real Time Underwriting Support with Experienced Underwriters
- Policies Issued Electronically
- Direct Bill
- Multiple Payment Options Including Check, Credit Card, or EFT
- Multiple Installment Options all Interest Free!
- Automatic Renewals with Renewal Certificates
Business Resource Center, Provides centralized access to business solution vendors for all policyholders
- Human resources services
- Pre-employment and tenant screenings
- Identity theft protection
- Marketing resources – your personal umbrella source for broad coverage at a competitive price and ease of use!
Call 1-888-875-1969 for an Instant Phone Quote
Excess Umbrella
Get a Personal Umbrella Quote instantly with an A++ Carrier!
At we offer one stop shopping for Preferred, Standard, High Risk and Celebrity Personal Excess Umbrellas.
- Risks with an existing primary umbrella with another carrier but desire higher umbrella limits
- Unlimited number of drivers of any age
- Unlimited number of automobiles and recreational vehicles and boats not exceeding 75 feet and 50 mph
- Up to 25 one-to-four family residential locations
- Celebrity and high profile applicants
- Farm exposures covered by a primary personal umbrella subject to Farm and Ranch Owners Hit Zone Product Underwriting Guide eligibility
- Households with:
- Motorcycles
- Drug or alcohol-related offenses in the last five years*
- Up to 10 convictions for moving violations in the last three years*
- Up to five at-fault accidents in the last three years*
*The total number of driving incidents for any one driver may render that driver ineligible
- No self-insured retention
- Defense outside the limit
- Pre and post-judgment interest coverage
- Multiple additional insureds can be added at no additional premium
- Admitted and eligible for Direct Bill in AZ, CA, CO, CT, GA, IL, MD, NC, NJ, NY, PA, SC, TX, VA and WA
- Up to $5 million
- $1 million for risks in AL, FL, MS, NH and VT as well as risks that fall within our High Risk guidelines
- $1 million primary personal umbrella
- Risks in the name of a corporation
- Underlying coverage written on a commercial form (exception is business auto)
- More than one major violation in the household
- Household totals for driving history exceed acceptable maximums
- Operator over age 22 with a DUI lives in same household as a youthful operator
- Primary residence located in AK, LA or WV
NOTE: Ineligible risk characteristics include, but are not limited to, those listed above.
Business Resource Center, Provides centralized access to business solution vendors for all policyholders
- Human resources services
- Pre-employment and tenant screenings
- Identity theft protection
- Marketing resources – your personal umbrella source for broad coverage at a competitive price and ease of use!
Call 1-888-875-1969 for an Instant Phone Quote
Umbrella (Submit for Rate)
Underlying Coverage Requirements
- Automobile Liability – $500k/$500k/$100k or $500,000 CSL
- CPL or Homeowners – $300,000 CSL
- Watercraft (less than 350 horsepower) – $300k/&500k/$100k or $300,000 CSL
- Vacant Land – $300,000 CSL
- Rental Units – $300,000 CSL
- Motorhomes – $300k/$500k/$100k or $500,000 CSL
Eligible Risks
- Vacant land up to 10 acres
- Small farms
- Owners of no more than 12 rental units
- Watercraft less than 350 horsepower. (Carrier approval required if over 350 horsepower.)
- ATVs, motorcycles, mopeds, and snowmobiles
- Owners of up to 12 rental units
*Apartments (Carrier approval required)
Ineligible Risks
- Applicants who have had more than 1 liability claim that exceeds $25,000 in payment during the last 5 years
- Business pursuits including policies written in a corporate name
- Risks with no underlying CPL
- Risks with Commercial Underlying Policies
- Aircrafts
- Houseboats
Available Limits
- Minimum limits required – $1,000,000. Increased limits up to $10,000,000 subject to an additional premium and carrier approval.
- UM/UIM coverage – $25,000 included when underlying UM/UIM limits are equal to underlying automobile liability limit.
- Increased limits available subject to an additional premium and carrier approval.
- Identity Theft coverage – $25,000 available subject to an additional premium.
Submission Requirements
- Completed and signed application
Excess Umbrella (Submit for Rate)
Underlying Coverage Requirements
- Personal Umbrella – $1,000,000 in excess of the minimum underlying limits
Eligible Risks
- Vacant land up to 10 acres
- Small farms
- Owners of no more than 12 rental units
- Watercraft less than 350 horsepower. (Carrier approval required if over 350 horsepower.)
- TVs, motorcycles, mopeds, and snowmobiles
- Owners of up to 12 rental units
- Apartments (Carrier approval required)
Ineligible Risks
- Applicants who have had more than 1 liability claim that exceeds $25,000 in payment during the last 5 years
- Business pursuits including policies written in a corporate name
- Risks with no underlying CPL
- Risks with Commercial Underlying Policies
- Aircrafts
- Houseboats
Available Limits
- Up to $5,000,000. Increased limits may be available subject to an additional premium and carrier approval.
Submission Requirements
- Completed and signed application
Personal Umbrella – Farm and Ranch Owners
- Farms owned by personal insureds (non-commercial), typically owned for investment or retirement purposes
- Up to:
- 1,000 total acres across and unlimited number of locations
- $250,000 of farm revenues from eligible farm operations
- 100 head of grazing animals/livestock
- 10 horses
- Unlimited number of autos, recreational vehicles and watercrafts not exceeding 75 feet/50 mph
- Farm locations leased to others.
Product Advantages
- Dollar one coverage for non-owned recreational vehicles and watercraft under 26 feet and under 301 horsepower
- Dollar one coverage for non-owned automobiles outside the U.S.
- Definition of bodily injury is expanded to include mental injury, anguish, humiliation and shock
- No self-insured retention
- Defense outside the limit
- Pre and post-judgment interest coverage
- Multiple additional insureds can be added at no additional premium
- Personal injury included if included on primary; buyback option available if excluded on primary
Available Limits
- Up to $5 million
- $1 million for risks in AL, CA, FL, MS, NH and VT
- $1 million for risks that fall within our High Risk guidelines
- $1 million for households with drivers 76 or older
- $1 million for risks in CT and ME with rental locations built prior to 1978
- $1 million excess uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage for most risks ($25,000 included at no charge)
Minimum Underlying Requirements
- $500,000 personal liability or homeowners
- $500,000/$500,000/$100,000 or $500,000 combined single limit for automobiles, watercrafts under 50 feet and recreational vehicles in most states
- $1 million/$1 million/$100,000 or $1 million combined single limit for admitted accounts in Missouri and high risk applicants or household with drivers 76 or older
- Risks in the name of a corporation or farm exposure in the name of a corporation
- Underlying farm liability coverage written on a commercial form (exception is business auto)
- Farm operations include confinement, manufacturing, processing or slaughtering
- Horses are boarded, bred, raced, trained or given lessons
- More than one major violation in the household
- Operator over age 22 with a DUI lives in same household as a youthful operator
- Primary residence located in AK, LA or WV
NOTE: Ineligible risk characteristics include, but are not limited to, those listed above.
Business Resource Center, Provides centralized access to business solution vendors for all policyholders
- Human resources services
- Pre-employment and tenant screenings
- Identity theft protection
- Marketing resources